The Culture Matters Podcast
The Culture Matters Podcast with host, Jay Doran, is a platform to talk with business owners, executives, and cultural alike to get inside each individual's eco-system in which they practice culture in the workplace. We speak to some of the most interesting people about why culture is important.
The Culture Matters Podcast
Season 63, Episode 750: Culture Content: Companies with Strong Cultures See a 4x Increase in Revenue Growth
We've got our very own Jay Doran back again with another edition of culture content and our topic today deals with the correlation between strong company culture and revenue growth. We've talked a lot during these episodes about how culture affects productivity and the workplace attitude and all manner of things like that, but today we are putting it in terms of dollars and cents. Do you want your revenue to increase? Make sure you are putting in the proper time on your culture and watch those numbers rise!