The Culture Matters Podcast

Season 64, Episode 759: Guests: Bruno and Stacie Marcinkowski: AI is the Future

Jay Doran Season 64 Episode 759

"Our love is for real estate, our fire is for one another."

Real estate and business building advisors, founders of The Dream Team 1 Realty Group, and authors of the new book A.I. Unlocked: Beginning Prompts Bruno and Stacie Marcinkowski are coming aboard today to talk real estate, AI, and a plethora of other things so lets jump right in!  Bruno, Stacy, and Jay are discussing the reality of AI usage in today's business world, the advantages that AI can bring both in time management and the speed at which tasks can be accomplished, and some of the ins and outs of the real estate market as we approach 2025.  This power couple is dropping an awful lot of knowledge on this episode of The Culture Matters Podcast.