The Culture Matters Podcast
The Culture Matters Podcast with host, Jay Doran, is a platform to talk with business owners, executives, and cultural alike to get inside each individual's eco-system in which they practice culture in the workplace. We speak to some of the most interesting people about why culture is important.
The Culture Matters Podcast
Season 65, Episode 768: Jay Doran: Its a New Year's Eve Palooza!
"Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forwards." - Søren Kierkegaard
It's that time of year again where our very own Jay Doran goes on a marathon podcasting session all day and into the night on New Year's Eve. In this introductory episode, Jay is going over the why, the what, and the how of why this cultural endurance test has become a tradition here at The Culture Matters Podcast. Throughout these conversations, we're going to be introducing some people and having totally off the cuff conversations about culture, so who knows where things are going to go? Keep an eye out in the next few days for all of the NYE Palooza you can handle!