The Culture Matters Podcast

Season 67, Episode 800: Guest: Nathan Merrill: Ahead of Their Time?

Jay Doran Season 67 Episode 800

"Being healthy consists of having the same disease as everyone else." - Robert Sapolsky

Our favorite philosopher and artisan contractor with Vision Stone and Tile Nathan Merrill and if you've listened to the show for a while then you know we are in for some heady conversation today.  Nathan and Jay are getting into what it means when someone is called "ahead of your time" and whether or not that is an accurate phrase, the fascinating details within emergence and observation, and to bring it all back down to Earth, the concept of morality and the part it plays in life in general.  Nathan is truly a one-of-a-kind thinker and we are excited to bring you some more of his thoughts and musings on this episode of The Culture Matters Podcast.